Monday, 7 October 2013

Nadia Dolce Music Video!

Hey sweethearts!<3
I was getting anxious but I've got NEWS! The official date for the music video releases will be
Nadia Dolce behind the scenes red lingerie black hair black pumps satin white background

October 13th! Finally! Now, I can't wait to move on to the next one! I know I keep saying it but the album is almost done! We are aiming to put it out in March 2014 :) Slowly but surely... Things are moving along smooth and we're trying real hard to get the song on Radio! So request "Remember" or "Souviens-Toi" at your local stations if you wanna push for something new! (If by any chance, there are any music programmers reading this! Would you give the chance to someone new! You guys play the same songs over and over.)

This journey is really taking me up and down on a roller coaster ride but I don't wanna let you guys down and I refuse to let myself down. It's hard when you're an independent artist and you don't have those big labels backing you up but I'm ok with working hard and I'm thankful to have a great team and amazing people surrounding me. It might not be easy but everything is possible when you believe... I'm a dreamer and if you're a dreamer, you should never let anyone tell you what you can or can't do.
Nadia Dolce behind the scenes red lingerie black hair black pumps satin white backgroundLive your life the way you choose and do the things that make you happy cause you will never wanna wake up one day with the regrets or the "what ifs". 

 I am probably not a very good motivational speaker and I'm  not trying to lecture anyone but I think it's beautiful for people to have a passion and it doesn't have to be music! No matter what it is, whether it's sports, painting, cooking or animals... If it brings you peace and it makes you smile...Don't take it for granted! Share it with the world! I'm gonna stop now because i'm a big cheese ball but you got the point. :P

I'm counting on my fans to continue supporting me in every way that you can.

A big kiss from me to you!

Nadia Dolce behind the scenes red lingerie black hair kiss cleavage satin white background

                                                               Watch Video Below!!!

Ciao Ciao xox

Twitter: @NadiaDolce


  1. i would like to saw this music video . can you give me this video link.

