Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Music Diary-The Dilemma

I struggled with finding myself as an artist and pleasing the people around me and myself to the point
where i had to chose between a normal lifestyle or pursuing my dream as a singer.Music always wins
with me but it takes a tole on me,you become scared that  you're making the wrong choice.
It's a long journey and following your heart is not always easy...i've been chasing my dream for many years now and it's sometimes so exhausting , you just wanna give up and want something else. I think everyone
should have have a dream or a goal and no one should take that away from you.No one should expect you to dim your shine because you are different or special.

Being a Dreamer is a big part of my character, for those who know me well know I always have my head up in the clouds and see the world through rose coloured glasses because I rather look for the positive in every situation.Things fall apart, rejection happens ,failure too. Everytime i find myself down I tell myself something good is gonna happen, that's what I've been told lately that when you lose something you always find something else.I won't lie I'm losing someone important to me right now and it hurts. Some friends call me a princess because they know  I want it all, all to share it with this one person but they say you can't always get what you want. I still want to defy what people believe is impossible and a part of me does not want to listen.

I came across this song and thought wow this me right now.
The song describing my situation right now is Nelly Furtado's Radio
this lyric it's close to home" I remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy you and be less than i was just to prove I could walk beside you ,now that I've flown away ,I see you've chosen to stay behind me
and still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myself"

All to say there should never be a dilemma and no one that loves you should ever give you an ultimatum or put you in that position,no matter how much you care for them.You have to be you and they have to accept you for everything that you are, not bits and pieces.

Keep Striving! You could have it all .... <3

Tweet @ NadiaDolce

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