Friday, 27 April 2012

Getting ready for Toronto with ToyWatch!!!

This week was crazy hectic! I had many photoshoots planned for ToyWatch! I was very busy modelling their  newest collection of watches which are fantastic. I'm loving the Bling Bling ones !Metallic Stones are beautiful! I can't complain , it was soo much fun !ToyWatch is being really supportive of me as an artist and I am so grateful for the opportunities they've been bringing my way.Today I went back to my usual schedule, meetings and dance lessons with my amazing choreographer and dancer Jayme...
I'm getting better..I think :P We're working hard on coming up with a great show! I can't wait to show everyone...We're gonna be playing at the Plaza theatre on June 30th  for LatinQuebec and many more shows to come. Everything is becoming so exciting.I'm also leaving for Toronto may 4th and 5th to represent for ToyWatch Canada at the America's Next Top Model show at the Convention Centre.
For those who don't know I am a huge fan of ANTM and Tyra Banks.I am obsessed..I love her and I love how she's integrated music in  the latest seasons.People think models are dumb and they are not ! I'm sticking up for them because there's so much more involved and Tyra's really an example of Girl Power and creating higher self esteem in young girls and women.The show is about so much more than finding a pretty face and a lot of people don't know that. If you've never watched , you should give it a chance.I hope I meet her someday!Her and Ellen Degeneres ..they are the best!

Anyways..Keep your fingers crossed for me , something great might happen to me!I will be meeting with some important people int TO...Hopefully I will post some great news when I return!

Nadia Dolce studio shot
Be back soon

Keep checking in online for news!!!
tweet with me @NadiaDolce
love y'all! <3

Monday, 23 April 2012

Strike a Pose!!!

Hey Everyone! Last week and this week is a busy busy week for the Dolce Team!
Shooting pics for an amazing watch company that I have a deal in the works with
called Toywatch !!! I've got a ton of watches and looks to shoot for this ad campaign so
it's very interesting,colourful and different.It's so crazy to think I'm posing,
I used to be afraid of the camera now it seems I'm always in front of the lens. It's so exciting ,i get the chance to be a chameleon!!The Sporty chick , the cool musician, the naughty geek and the glam diva ,just to name a few.

Today,We did some shots representing my Italian roots , with a soccer theme, sporting the red, white and green Toywatches.
Then we did some geeky shots!They were kinda sexy ..Those big nerdy glasses were fun! I think I'm gonna buy ME some of those! And there's much more to come, tomorrow we're shooting
at Sharx poolhall downtown thanks to Rick!My makeup artist Carmy and both my dancers will
be a part of it with Joshua Perets.

All of this wouldn't be possible without the help o.f my biggest supporters, Vince from Master Control Media for the wonderful photography, Antoine Laoun for some sexy stylish Glasses
,The bay  for some cool outfits,Toywatch For some awesome watches
and last but not least my patient manager Frank!

Keep checking out my website for the latest pics and vids! I will be posting very soon
Follow me @NadiaDolce
Ciao y'all!<3

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Do's and Don'ts after a breakup

I'm writing this to all the broken hearts tonight,
I'm having trouble dealing with my recent breakup...and I've started to notice some little habits.
I'd like to share some advice and maybe writing this will convince myself to practice what I preach.

when I'm sad I tend to wanna eat Icecream and that's a good fix as long as you don't eat the whole carton .Don't wait by your phone to hear from your ex...Don't bombard them with desperate texts.
Do keep busy and try not to be alone at first. Try new places , meets new faces, not to hook up but
to be more social and not isolate yourself with your sadness.Don't look at old pics of you both together.
Do workout and set goals, it's a perfect time to push yourself and you will automatically feel better and in healthier shape.My Don't that I can't help is I listen to sad music and I put it on repeat for hours and ball my eyes out.Tonight I'm listening to a beautiful song from Mia Martina called Miles away.
I'm relating to it and it's just making things worst.But I wanna turn this into a positive, tomorrow I will try to make a cover and let out my emotions in the song...If you're like me and you feel like you're losing hope ..sleep on it ..tomorrow you will deal with it.
Hope some of this helped and Feel free to share what works for you.
Be strong and Mend your broken little hearts

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Food and Knowledge

La Belle Italienne  restaurant
I love a night like this one where I have plans to go watch a movie with my friend Tina but it turns out the movie I wanna see with Zach Efron(love him) isn't out just yet....We end up grabbing a pizza at a restaurant where I used to waitress called La Belle Italienne in Montreal. If you are looking for an awesome pizza , you will find one over here.It's like little italy in St-Leonard,cozy ,great menu ,best Icecream and you can hear yourself talking..I love this place.Besides that, we end up inviting a friend of hers for coffee and it turns out this guy is a genius...It was pretty interesting for a night not involving any music.I had great food and a taste of history , economics , politics and religion.Not usually my favourite subjects but I learned quite a bit tonight so I got to bed tonight  a little smarter then when my day began. Sometimes it's cool to have plans get sidetracked. I love meeting new people with different views and having debates despite people thinking i'm an airhead with no brains .Summed up it was a night to relax and listen.Tonights conversations had my mind escape from my little struggles with the music industry for a couple of hours .Gotta get some sleep,tomorrow is another day of all work no play.
Goodnight <3                                      

Tweet @ NadiaDolce

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Music Diary-The Dilemma

I struggled with finding myself as an artist and pleasing the people around me and myself to the point
where i had to chose between a normal lifestyle or pursuing my dream as a singer.Music always wins
with me but it takes a tole on me,you become scared that  you're making the wrong choice.
It's a long journey and following your heart is not always easy...i've been chasing my dream for many years now and it's sometimes so exhausting , you just wanna give up and want something else. I think everyone
should have have a dream or a goal and no one should take that away from you.No one should expect you to dim your shine because you are different or special.

Being a Dreamer is a big part of my character, for those who know me well know I always have my head up in the clouds and see the world through rose coloured glasses because I rather look for the positive in every situation.Things fall apart, rejection happens ,failure too. Everytime i find myself down I tell myself something good is gonna happen, that's what I've been told lately that when you lose something you always find something else.I won't lie I'm losing someone important to me right now and it hurts. Some friends call me a princess because they know  I want it all, all to share it with this one person but they say you can't always get what you want. I still want to defy what people believe is impossible and a part of me does not want to listen.

I came across this song and thought wow this me right now.
The song describing my situation right now is Nelly Furtado's Radio
this lyric it's close to home" I remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy you and be less than i was just to prove I could walk beside you ,now that I've flown away ,I see you've chosen to stay behind me
and still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myself"

All to say there should never be a dilemma and no one that loves you should ever give you an ultimatum or put you in that position,no matter how much you care for them.You have to be you and they have to accept you for everything that you are, not bits and pieces.

Keep Striving! You could have it all .... <3
Tweet @ NadiaDolce