Saturday, 14 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day from Nadia Dolce

Hey Sweethearts!
"nadia dolce" "kiss" "valentines day" "pink" "love""make you feel my love" "cover" "blue jeans" "t-shirt"I just wanted to take the time to wish you all a "Happy Vday" with your friends, family and loved ones. I've been out of touch with my blog and it's time to get back in the blogger spirit. Since I love to love and I am a true romantic at heart, this is the perfect day to share my love with all of you.

I've been recording a few videos of me singing in my kitchen just for fun. A couple of weeks ago, I was warming up before a show where I had to look a little like Katy Perry (which explains the pale skin and cherry lips look in the video below) but I recorded this quickly right before I had to leave and thought it was cute. Sorry about the screechy noises at the end but hopefully you still manage to enjoy some of it.

I love this song and the lyrics are so touching… I dedicate this mini "Make you feel my love "cover by Adele to all my fans and the people who support my musical career. <3 <3 <3

I hope you like it! :)

Happy Valentines Day! xoxox

I could hold you for a million years… <3

If you want to join me on my musical journey